Friday, February 5, 2010

Madelyn is 15 months old!

Maddie had her 15 month appointment this morning! She is growing very well. She is moving right up the curve of growth perfectly. She is still 50% in her height, weight, and head circumference so she is very proportionate! She weighs 18 lbs 12 oz and is 30 3/4 inches tall. She had her 12 mos shots: MMR & Varicella (chicken pox). Her first molars are ALMOST through her gums! I could see them really well when she was crying during her exam.
The snow has started AGAIN so we will see how much we get with this storm. I'm going to have to buy snow boots and pants if we are going to have winters like this in MD!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cabin Fever! Is Spring almost here?

Zoey's Birthday party! We spent the night and Maddie had a great time playing with her cousins.

I need to do a little catch up! Maddie has been great! She is learning something new everyday! Her latest is saying, "Uh oh!" It sounds very cute, we have a book that the first word in it is "Uh oh Baby Taz toy broke.." so she says it when ever I open the book and also when the TV channel is changed from her toons! lol.
She also has started JUMPING! It is very funny. She trys really hard to get air and sometimes she does get off the ground.
She can point to her nose, her head, her eye, her feet (she lifts them up), her toes, and sometimes her mouth! Pete says, "Where's Maddie?!" and she points to her chest!
She tells us what she wants and where she wants to go by saying "Da" and pointing with her hand. So more words to come..very exciting.

Maddie loves to make us pretend food to taste. And one day when I got home from work Maddie was feeding Aunt Mary Beth on scype! lol

Maddie and Sadie Dancing! Sadie makes us laugh so hard

We were so lucky to have Nana, Anita, Gavin and Will visit us! Thank you for coming! Gavin is hilarious! He laughs at everything and loved to play with Maddie's toys! He thought her kitchen was cool and opened the doors and pulled himself up on it to reach the pots! Aww we miss him!