Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Potty Time!

Madelyn is potty trained! I am still in shock that it happened so fast! We tried the potty 6 months ago and it didn't happen at all so I decided to wait until the beginning of summer. But Madelyn had other plans, as always! Maddie decided to sit on the potty Sunday night before bath and tried really hard to pee. She squeezed really hard and a tiny poop plopped into the toilet! It was funny and I was very excited! She was so proud of herself and waved "bye bye" to her poopie! She sat on it again before bed and pee-d! Potty training here we go!

We went out and grabbed some pull ups for when I was at work and gave it a whirl.

She did AMAZING! I would put her on the potty when I thought she would have to go and she would pee! A couple days later she started telling me when she had to go. She had 2 poo poo accidents. I knew when to expect her poo poo and put her on the potty and she went! Her prize was a beautiful princess doll! She was so happy. The next day she made a little worried fast and I knew she had to go and asked her and she said yes, and pooped in the potty! She hasn't had any accidents in 2 days! She stayed dry in long car rides, at her cousins play, and on many outings! She was ready!

She isn't too big on candy so her prizes were princesses! She got one princess for every pee and a big plush doll for her first poo! She got a hershey kiss for sitting on the potty for me in the beginning and stickers.

Oh and she only sat on the big potty. She wouldn't even let me keep the cushion on the potty! She wanted to pee on the potty like her big cousins and I do!

" I DOOD IT!" Is what she says all day long for everything! She wants to be a big girl!

We are so proud of our big girl!!