Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bottle news

I keep forgetting to take a picture of this!! But it is going to be old news soon! Maddie decided to drink my milk from a bottle! I started trying again a few weeks ago. She caught a cold 2 weeks ago and had trouble nursing so I gave her a bottle sitting up and she drank it!
Now she is a professional! She takes one a day now! She is very cute. She likes the fact that she can drink it FAST.
So, now I will be going to work on time at 8 am instead of 9. Yipee.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pool time

We went swimming at Malcolm's pool this weekend. The water is always FREEZING! I dipped my legs in when the sun was out but did not dare to go in all the way! Maddie was taking her nap while the sun was on the pool, so the water was even chillier when she went in! Pete just dipped her little piggies in and she loved it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Madelyn has been saying Da Da Da Ma Ma Mum Ba Ba Bu Bu! and ehh ahh
She found the stairs last week! Climbed 3 steps! Yikes
She can eat Puffs without gagging!! She LOVES them!
And wore her first pony tail!

Summer Days...

Maddie and I had a quiet weekend
at home while Pete worked. I am trying to get Maddie to love her pool. She is ok in it for a short time but then she gets upset and wants out! ): I tried to get in with her and that didn't go over well!

Madelyn's FavoriteThings

Toy: colored plastic rings
Food: (mommy's milk!) fresh peaches
T.V. show: Yo Gabba Gabba and Blue's Clues
Game: Daddy "getting" Maddie (chase and tickles)
Animal: Dogs- Buddy
Music: Ziggy Marley & Dora
Lovey: her bunny
Smiles and kisses!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Maddie likes her new toy!

We got Maddie a leap frog table from craigslist. Brand new never was taken out of the box! She had it set up this morning so when she woke up she had something new to see! She loves it. She dances to the abc song!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July weekend!

We had Ohio summer weather for our 4th of July Weekend! It was so enjoyable! We loved having Shaun and Mom over but we were busy! We had a good time visiting with family at Mom's cousin's house. We had to come home to put Maddie to sleep, she was worn out! After she went to bed we sat outside on our deck until LOUD fireworks started outfront! One of our neighbors were setting off very illegal fireworks right across the street. They were awesome.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

poppie singing to Maddie

Maddie LOVES singing. She got squirmy with Poppie but it is still funny!

Short visit with Poppie

We were going to visit Grandma and Poppie Bell. Grandma wasn't feeling well and was sleeping so we talked to Poppie outside shortly. Maddie gave him snuggles! I bet he reminded her of her Grandpa Bill!!
It was a beautiful day!
We will have to go back next week.

Play time with Tor!

Maddie got a new toy when we got back from OH. It is a walker that she can push around and plays music she likes to dance too. We brought it home and she walked across the living room with it!! Now she mostly likes to just play with the front of it. Tori and Mary Beth came over for dinner and we showed Tori how to walk with it. She loved it. She wanted to walk and Maddie wanted to play with the front! So Maddie pretty much was getting run over by Tori! LOL.
They were very good while we had CRABS! Yumm. Forgot to get a pic of them.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The end of a fun day..

It started raining so Maddie got to play in the car.

Lazy day at the Beach!

she never sleeps good on me at home! She was so relaxed!

Maddie at the beach!

Maddie played for only a 1/2 an hour before she got tired! The waves crashing were so relaxing!

Maddie's 1st Beach Trip!

The air was warm and breezy! It felt great even though the sun wasn't out. Maddie kicked her legs when we got close to the water.

There was a party every 3 hours!

Leigh Ann at her shower!
Grandpa Bill with Maddie! Thank you for helping so much with little Maddie
Auntie Ruthie and Maddie
look at that face!! ha ha
Maddie loved this walker!

Tori see's gavin

Busy week

It has been busy since we got back from OH Sunday. We had a great time at Nana Bell's!! Thank you for all the food and fun! Maddie loves all of you so much! Especially her cousins!!