Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bottle news

I keep forgetting to take a picture of this!! But it is going to be old news soon! Maddie decided to drink my milk from a bottle! I started trying again a few weeks ago. She caught a cold 2 weeks ago and had trouble nursing so I gave her a bottle sitting up and she drank it!
Now she is a professional! She takes one a day now! She is very cute. She likes the fact that she can drink it FAST.
So, now I will be going to work on time at 8 am instead of 9. Yipee.


  1. Congrats! That is so great! yay for Maddie and you! :-) love you!

  2. YEAH for Maddie. That is so exciting. I can not wait to see the picture!!!!!

    We received all the toothbrushes. THANK YOU! The girls were VERY excited.
