Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Farm Park in Kirtland, OH

It was a beautiful day in Ohio and we decided to go to the Farm Park. My mom took us many times when I was younger and wanted to take Maddie. Nana Bell and baby Gavin came too! Thanks for braving the wind to spend a fun time with us! Everybody else was at school or the doctors so we were a small group!

Al Peca's
The border collie hearding the sheep around the field. He would run and then croutch down real low to hide. Sneaky, and smart little doggie!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weekend in Ohio!

Sophia is so love-able! So good with Maddie! Thanks Emma and Sophia for playing so nice /her!
hope Leigha feels all better! She was still in a great mood even though she was sick. Smiling the whole time! She's so sweet!

Gavin looking at his favorite star! He is facinated by it's smiley face and loves to drive his car! He and Leigha hold their heads so good in this walker!

Mason sleeping on his daddy! What an adorable baby!

Back in MD.

I have fallen a little behind with my blog! I wanted to post that LAST weekend we went to Janet's and Mike bought live crabs! He steamed them in a steamer on his deck and they were delicious!! They had great flavor and were cheaper! Zoey cried when she she saw them being cooked, but when they came out red and spiced she was ready to dig in! lol.
This past weekend we went on a road trip to Ohio! It was really fun! Madelyn did pretty good in the truck. She loved watching her Einstein DVD's and reading books. We only stopped twice on the way there and once on the way back. It was great to see all of our neices and nephews! I miss them so much after a visit. Maddie loves them all too! She loved pushing Mickey in the pink carriage around the house and giving ocassional kisses. WOW, Maddie is walking like crazy! She is hard to keep up with!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Get the ball Buddy!

Maddie has been learning to play fetch with Buddy! She loves watching Pete throw the ball and Buddy jumping after it! She loves her Buddy! She also say's "Bud" in a real high pitched voice! It's really cute, it's her first and only word! We usually play in a bigger area but we just happened to be sitting in this small corner of the living room. She is really good throwing the ball sometimes, she has quite an arm!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Maddie looking pretty!

Maddie needed a new pair of shoes that she can actually walk in! She has the tiniest little feet! I am still looking for an every day comfortable pair. Target had the best selection I wish I had bought more than this one cute pair! She wasn't to sure about them at first, since I've been letting her go barefoot for so long but she got use to them. This dress is from Easter.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hellooo Chuckee Cheese!

Maddie, Scarlette and Dallas Boyd playing skee ball

Madelyn went to Chuckee Cheese for the 1st time! She was excited as soon as we walked in because there were balloons everywhere! She liked looking at the kids and all the lights. She was a little unsure of the movement on the rides, she would sit very still. She was cute! Can't wait to go back with Daddy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Madelyn's 9 month check up

Welcome Baby Mason! We can't wait to meet you! Congratulations LA and Jeremy!

Madelyn had her 9 month check up yesterday. We were a little late, she will be 10 months old this week! She SCREAMED through her whole exam! She is so silly, it should have been non traumatic because she didn't get any shots but she did not want to be messed with at all.
She will get her flu shot in a week and be back at 12 months.

Her Stats:
Height 28 1/2
Weight 16.3 lbs !

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Check out sneek peak!

Hey check out
to see a sneek peak of little Maddie in Melissa's Baby Collection!