Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back in MD.

I have fallen a little behind with my blog! I wanted to post that LAST weekend we went to Janet's and Mike bought live crabs! He steamed them in a steamer on his deck and they were delicious!! They had great flavor and were cheaper! Zoey cried when she she saw them being cooked, but when they came out red and spiced she was ready to dig in! lol.
This past weekend we went on a road trip to Ohio! It was really fun! Madelyn did pretty good in the truck. She loved watching her Einstein DVD's and reading books. We only stopped twice on the way there and once on the way back. It was great to see all of our neices and nephews! I miss them so much after a visit. Maddie loves them all too! She loved pushing Mickey in the pink carriage around the house and giving ocassional kisses. WOW, Maddie is walking like crazy! She is hard to keep up with!

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