Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shaun, Lindsay, Emma, Sophia, Leigha, Maria came to visit for the weekend!
They picked the perfect weekend because Spring weather is here! Outside to play! We all went to Annapolis docks together for lunch, play, and feeding ducks (and Seagulls :/) We had a lot of fun. Maddie loved the park and all of the cousins!

fun Spring day at the park!

Maria, Lindsays friend from Spain, was glad to see MD
Maddie loved to be a big girl and run on the playground with her cousins.

This slide went really fast, and Sophia came flying down head first! ha ha

Emma is so good with Maddie, and Maddie loved hanging with her big cous!
Maddie's and Masons FAVORITE part of the park
I think he is having a good time! LOL

Hi Baby Leigha! What a sweetie.
We all went to lunch at Chick Ruth's and it was very fun, crowed, and HOT! The kids were very good and Maddie had her first taste of Mommy's chocolate malt!
Maddie sat next to Emma without a booster seat and swung her legs back and forth. It was cute, she felt very "big" sitting with Emma.
We will miss you! See you in OH in a couple months!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Maddie turns 16 months!

This is Maddie's baby doll. When she holds her she pats her back and always takes her pacifier for herself! She offered it to Leigha, also.

Leigha, Maddie's cousin, has the cutest personality and funniest little faces! I love her smiles and her waves! She loves her mommy and hasn't let me hold her yet.

Maddie playing with Sophia. Sophia is so good with Maddie and Maddie loved following her around Nana's. Nina got Sophia a beautiful dress and heels and she walked around and around Nana's. Maddie looks so grown up here, with her purse! Emma helped Maddie put her little kitty in it, lol.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring is 3 weeks away...!

I am so grateful to only be working 2 days a week! Wednesday is the day I look forward to the most because Maddie and I are together the rest of the week and all weekend! I love playing with her and taking care of her! She is the best part of our lives. Maddie has transitioned into just one nap in the last couple weeks. It has been great for us, because we can do fun things in the morning and get home in time for a nice afternoon nap. Today we went to the mall and took cute little Sadie with us. Sadie is so good with Maddie and is so fun to have around! They were very good! We danced a little to Kidsinger Jim ( a free kids concert) , went shopping, and went out for pizza. They behaved so well in the store, they both love to shop, like me! They made me laugh because Maddie likes to touch the clothes and Sadie was like, "This is CUTE!" There was a baby with a balloon and Maddie saw it as soon as we got there and WANTED her balloon. We ran into the same baby/balloon 2 more times before we left the mall and Maddie was still begging (whinning) for it so we made a stop at Hallmark and got 2 free balloons for the girls. She was SO HAPPY!