Tuesday, March 9, 2010

fun Spring day at the park!

Maria, Lindsays friend from Spain, was glad to see MD
Maddie loved to be a big girl and run on the playground with her cousins.

This slide went really fast, and Sophia came flying down head first! ha ha

Emma is so good with Maddie, and Maddie loved hanging with her big cous!
Maddie's and Masons FAVORITE part of the park
I think he is having a good time! LOL

Hi Baby Leigha! What a sweetie.
We all went to lunch at Chick Ruth's and it was very fun, crowed, and HOT! The kids were very good and Maddie had her first taste of Mommy's chocolate malt!
Maddie sat next to Emma without a booster seat and swung her legs back and forth. It was cute, she felt very "big" sitting with Emma.
We will miss you! See you in OH in a couple months!


  1. What a beautiful day! Great photos love all my gorgeous grandchildren. Miss Maddie and Mason they are getting sooo big! Love Nana Bell

  2. haha love the picture of Mason swinging! But not the one under that! I look very scary!
