Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pool days of summer

This was the first time at Malcolms pool. Maddie was not too sure..and the water was freezing!! She only wanted Mommy in the pool, sorry Daddy!

At Lynne's for Jaquelyn's Graduation Party in June

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Road trip to OH with Mary Beth and Tori!

I have been having technical difficulties this summer. My camera has been acting up and my lap top, which I am addicted to, is even worse. So, I am very behind on my blog! I want to back track to the beginning of summer so I can catch up to date!
Mary Beth and I had an impromptu trip to Ohio in May. We decided to go and were in the car 3 hours later driving North East! Maddie and Tori were very cute in the car, they watched movies, danced to music, and held hands. We stopped at Wendys for a late dinner and they got all their energy out yelling across the restaurant and jumping in the booths! These are a few pics from Geneva on the lake, Geneva OH home of Shaun, Lindsay and their 3 girls!

Cute cousin shot in front of the merry go round! Maddie was scared of riding by herself, so I sat with her on one of the seats