Sunday, December 26, 2010

Halloween at Aunt Chris and Uncle Ray's

I forgot to post these pictures from Halloween this year. Pete's Aunt Chris had a halloween party and dressing up was so much fun! This is cutie pie Oden. Stacies son, Aunt Chris grandson.
That is probaly the cutest smile I have ever gotten from Maddie in a picture! I made sure to let Maddie watch me put my wig on so she wasn't weirded out. She thought mommy and daddy were looked silly!

Petes Nana LOVED Halloween, she would have gotten a kick out of everybody

Betty was a Cat. Maddie LOVED it, she kept calling her "Mum Kitty" and talked about the next day. Betty took her ears and tail off later in the night and Maddie said, "Mum, where is kitty"

Still can't believe I convinced Pete to dress up. He never has dressed up before! Pulled the do it for Maddie card! Yeah!

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