Saturday, May 21, 2011

Easter Sunday

We had family pictures taken at Quiet Waters Park. I will post them after we hook up our scanner. This is a cute pic of Maddie! I love the sun behind her. It was really cold still! She wasn't very cooperative but we were able to get some good ones! It was pretty and sunny, we went out to brunch afterward at the Main Ingredient. It was really fun.

It was to make Maddie's Easter basket this year. Mostly it had little toys in it. Chicks, hopping bunnies, some jelly beans and a chocolate bunny. We went to church as a family. Maddie was up late the night before with her cousins so she was tired! In the afternoon we went to Mom's for the cousins Easter egg hunt. The kids had fun, their were a lot of eggs to find! It was really warm out and mom made a delicious dinner.

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