Sunday, October 30, 2011

Beach trip to OC post Hurricane Irene

We had plans to go to Ocean City the morning after Hurricane Irene. Our power went out the night before and we had no idea what had happened to our condo in OC. Shaun had posted a reporter covered in sludge sawyer and I was really worried it was going to smell at the beach! Luckily, our condo was fine, no power loss so we were on our way (1 day late)!
I thought I took pictures of our place, but I guess not. It was a very quiet community (senior citizen) relaxing and clean! It was in Fenwick, 1 street away from Lisa's old place. It was a very cozy 2 story condo and had a beautiful sun room over looking a lake.
After getting settled we got ready and went to check out the boardwalk! There were sand mounds and bulldozers left after the clean up but you couldn't tell there was a hurricane.

Maddie's favorite. Loves the carousel! I do too, whoo hoo

Serious driver

She loved this fishing game! It was a shark, but we called it a fish. She caught it and then caught 2 more before the lady could get the pole back!

She said, "Daddy I went fishing!"

Tea Cups!! These were pretty low key tea cups and Maddie really liked them. She turned the wheel to make it spin. Later in the week we all jumped on a tea cup ride at Rehobeth. I looked around and noticed older kids and adults were on the ride. Uh-Oh. The ride was fun, it spun pretty fast and we couldn't stop laughing. Madelyn flew to my side and we did our best to not squish her! At the end we asked her if she wanted to go again and she just shook her head, "no".

I only posted this pic so you could see the weired "stick" debri all over the beach and the destroyed fence in the backround.

Maddie loved the sand. She played for 2-3 hours straight the first day or twon. I played with her but also read a lot in the warm sun!

Mom and Gavin came to visit us for a few hours. Maddie was so happy to see them and showed them the bunk bed she was sleeping in all week!

Lunch time, these kids love boiled eggs on the beach! Maddie expects them as her lunch so I have to be prepared.

She played in the water a little. Daddy accidently let her slip in a wave and she didn't wasn't too interested after that. She still jumped in the waves thought. It was beautiful weather, not to hot and since the water was pretty cold we didn't swim as much as we would have liked.

We had a really good time, and didn't want to leave. The weather was perfect, no humidity and mostly sun all week. We had good family time and love the beach!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sesame Place!

A friend told me about Sesame Place last year and we've been wanting to go every since! It is only 2 1/2 hours away but you get a 2 day pass so we decided to stay at a hotel nearby with a shuttle to the park. It was very exiting. The hotel was so nice to let us check in early at 10:30 (4 hrs early) so we changed and dropped off our bags before going to Sesame. Maddie didn't have any idea where we were going but was having fun pushing the elevator buttons and running around. She was excited to see this cut out of Elmo!

waiting for the shuttle

Riding in the "bus." Madelyn LOVED it. She ended up wanting the whole bench to herself. The park was basically across the street and we went back and forth about 3 times the first day. It was a very hot day and we all took an afternoon nap.

Elmo Rocks. This was Maddie's favorite show. It was very upbeat and all the characters came out and rocked it! Maddie danced the whole time and then ran to the front of the stage.

At the end of the show they sprayed long curly string out in the crowd. She caught it, and sayed "yay I got it!" She held on to it all night.

The splash park. No body is there because it was almost 8 o clock at night but she wanted to play so we let her get soaked! I thought I had an extra outfit with me but turned out I only had shorts so we bought her an adorble shirt to wear.

The parade! Madelyn's FAVORITE part of the whole trip. The music and dancers are really good, had me dancing too! And of course all the characters are there!

Big Bird was one of my favorites when I was litte. Big Bird Goes to China! Maddie was a little shy at first but after see saw the other kids take pictures she was up for it. And then Elmo was next! She gave him a big hug.

There was smaller water slides, Maddie would sit on our laps and we would go down together. There was water pouring down every where so we were soaked the whole time. It was a good thing because it was very hot out.

What a great trip and fun memories! Can't wait to go to Disney one day!

Princess Aurora

Madelyn loves her princesses and loves watching all the movies. Right now she is really into Sleeping Beauty. She likes the scary dragon and the of course the singing. She sings all the time, "I know you I walked with you once upon a deam!"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Almost 3!!

My little girl will be be three in less than a month! I can't believe she is growing for fast and makes me laugh. She is our little joy!

She loves playing with her princesses and dollhouse. She speaks for them and gives them names now. The usually and Zoey and really funny names like, "Ba Lucy" and one is "Bleeky".

She has been in a big girl bed since July and sleeps really well. She recently has started to come into our room every morning before 7. It is very cute, she pitter patters down the hall with all her blankets in her arms and climbs into bed with me for snuggles! It's very adorable and I love to scoop her up when she comes in. I haven't worked out in the morning since she started this because I worry if she'll be upset, that's the only thing!

She talks very well and suprises with the things she says! I'll have to blog some specifics!