Sunday, October 9, 2011

Almost 3!!

My little girl will be be three in less than a month! I can't believe she is growing for fast and makes me laugh. She is our little joy!

She loves playing with her princesses and dollhouse. She speaks for them and gives them names now. The usually and Zoey and really funny names like, "Ba Lucy" and one is "Bleeky".

She has been in a big girl bed since July and sleeps really well. She recently has started to come into our room every morning before 7. It is very cute, she pitter patters down the hall with all her blankets in her arms and climbs into bed with me for snuggles! It's very adorable and I love to scoop her up when she comes in. I haven't worked out in the morning since she started this because I worry if she'll be upset, that's the only thing!

She talks very well and suprises with the things she says! I'll have to blog some specifics!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness she is so big! I can't believe she's already turing 3! haha thats so cute Bleeky! haha We should skype soon I want to hear her little voice before it turns into a big girl voice! Miss u guys!
