Monday, October 29, 2012

Christmas 2011

 LOVE Christmas morning! Maddie found this big elephant at Home Goods months before and would not let go of it! I managed to hide in a trunk, buy it and smuggle it home with out her knowing! It was a big suprize! She loved it. Unfortunely Maddie got a little flu bug after Christmas, but she layed on her new elephant all day.
 When Maddie saw Santa she told him she wanted a balloon for Christmas! LOL, this girls has always loved balloons. Saw Santa brought a balloon and much more!

                                                 princess ariel jammie night gown
                                                                Miss those cute bangs!
                                                       so cute, she looks sleepy still (:
 Aww Buddy. We had a visit from Santa Claus this year! Maddie asked Santa to please bring her dog Buddy a toy for Christmas. He did and Buddy loved it!
                                                      The biggest lollipop ever

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