Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 1st Father's Day!

We love you Daddy!

Mac's Birthday Party

We had a nice Saturday morning together. Warm Chocolate Chip Banana Bread and a big thunderstorm! After Maddie's nap the storm moved out just in time to go to Mac's birthday party! Maddie had a great time seeing her cousins! Betty made awesome food and surprised us with inviting A. Mary Ellen and U. Jay!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Friday!

Madelyn is learning how to clap! We love when she sings. You can see her little teeth good when she giggles in this video!
Happy Father's Day weekend! We are getting ready for a big party at the Purdum's tomorrow. Betty is throwing a party for Mac's 60th Birthday. I am making food today to help out. She is inviting his friends from his work as a surprise and more family should be there!
One week from today we will be in Ohio with all of you! Yea! Pete really wishes he could come, but it will give us a good reason to visit again in August.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Neigborhood Kitty

Most of you know the neighborhood cat. She comes running when we go outside. Madelyn thinks she is funny! She laughs and talks to her when she sees her!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today it has been 3 years that Pete and I have been married!! Why does it seem longer?! To celebrate we are going to the Beach! Maddie's first trip to the beach!! So excited to go. Weathers not good today and Pete has to work so we are going in 2 weeks.
I have been back to work for over a month now, and since have been slacking on getting back into shape! Just fell out of my routine! I have been into ice cream and tasty cakes which is SO BAD!! So starting tomorrow... healthy eating and excersize. (I can't even spell excersize anymore! Weird)
We are having dessert for our Anniversary tonight. Maybe Cheesecake Factory or ice cream!

Maddie only smiles ate the camera when I'm facing her with it. LOL. This bow only lasts for a few minutes before it slips out. Slippery baby hair!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


We are so glad Lindsay is home and hope she recovers well! So proud of little Leigha for taking her bottle so good!
Maddie is always so pretty in her Sunday dress! She was good at church today. We let her crawl near a boy her age and she crawled right up to him and plucked his pacifier right out of his mouth!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Playing is so much fun!

pretty baby in the mirror!

Maddie loves to see the cute baby in the mirror! She talks and plays and gives kisses!!
Its really cute.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Maddie and Buddy

Maddie LOVES Buddy! She "calls" him and loves to crawl to him. Buddy loves her back and licks her in her face. She pats him on his head and pulls on his hair. But her FAVORITE thing of Buddy's is his slimy ball! She crawls after all day long. I gave in, washed it, and let her have it.

Maddie is growing so fast!!

I will probably back track a little, but I will start current. Madelyn is such a good little girl! She is my little early bird, and likes to wake up at 6 or 6:30 am! It works well for when I go to work Mon and Tue and her Daddy loves to see her before he leaves for work, so early morning rising it is! Morning is my favorite part of the day with Maddie. She is so happy and loves to play and talk! When I go to get her in her crib she is standing facing the door and talking waiting for us to come and play with her! She is so funny! She has been pulling up on us for a week or two and on her own yesterday. We stand by close so she doesn't fall and hurt herself!