Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today it has been 3 years that Pete and I have been married!! Why does it seem longer?! To celebrate we are going to the Beach! Maddie's first trip to the beach!! So excited to go. Weathers not good today and Pete has to work so we are going in 2 weeks.
I have been back to work for over a month now, and since have been slacking on getting back into shape! Just fell out of my routine! I have been into ice cream and tasty cakes which is SO BAD!! So starting tomorrow... healthy eating and excersize. (I can't even spell excersize anymore! Weird)
We are having dessert for our Anniversary tonight. Maybe Cheesecake Factory or ice cream!

Maddie only smiles ate the camera when I'm facing her with it. LOL. This bow only lasts for a few minutes before it slips out. Slippery baby hair!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! That is so exciting!

  2. what only 3 years?!!? thats so strange i thought it was way longer!!!! happy anniversary!!!
