Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Friday!

Madelyn is learning how to clap! We love when she sings. You can see her little teeth good when she giggles in this video!
Happy Father's Day weekend! We are getting ready for a big party at the Purdum's tomorrow. Betty is throwing a party for Mac's 60th Birthday. I am making food today to help out. She is inviting his friends from his work as a surprise and more family should be there!
One week from today we will be in Ohio with all of you! Yea! Pete really wishes he could come, but it will give us a good reason to visit again in August.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness. This makes me more excited for 2 more months but also to enjoy this in 8 months! I cannot WAIT TO SEE HER!! AND YOU! Wish Pete could be there too, but it will make me feel better since Jeremy isn't coming either.

  2. hahaah!!! how adorable shes so sweet!!! i love her laugh !!!

  3. So cute! Love her teeth! Tori loved watching her, she kept smiling1
