Sunday, August 2, 2009


Madelyn's is cutting 4 top teeth! One cut through today, tooth f, it is so funny she is moving her lower jaw to the side so she can grind it. She makes a tiny grinding sound! I'll be making her a night guard soon. (just kidding)
She FELL OUT of her crib today! ): I wasn't here when it happened but I'm sure it almost gave Pete a heart attack. She is fine. Didn't cry that much when it happened and I couldn't find any bumps or bruises. Glad we have carpet! Pete lowered the crib to the lowest setting so she should be good for awhile.
Shaun came by last night for dinner! He is exhausted and misses his girls so much! Hope he will be home soon!
On a happy note here is little Maddie dancing a little bit!

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