Sunday, August 30, 2009

Madelyn's phot shoot

While at the flower park seeing the goats and sheep we also met up with Melissa West a professional photographer! She is putting an art collection together of 50 adorable babies! We didn't have a reservation but she had time to take pictures of Maddie anyways so we did! Luckily Maddie looked adorable even though it wasn't planned ahead of time! Madelyn was so good! She was a natural with the camera! We are able to purchase the CD of the photos taken yesterday and will share them with you! They will be amazing! I can't wait to see the final collection. Not sure if Madelyn will be in a book or at an art show... we are excited to see.

Madelyn is sitting still on a bench. I can't believe she sat nicely! And she didn't even eat the flowers she was holding! lol

Saturday, August 29, 2009


We had planned to go to OC for the day this past Friday. We canceled it because the weather was supposed to be rainy. So we planned to go to the mall for Maddie's 9 mos photos and for lunch but then Maddie caught a little cold so we stayed in. Luckily it was just a stuffy and runny nose and didn't phase her much.
Today she woke up feeling back to normal and took a really good morning nap. It was another HOT Maryland day but we wanted to get out so we went to check out a little flower farm park. We saw a baby goat that reminded us of Nana Bell's goat Paco!! Madelyn LOVED it! She was trying to jump out of Pete's arms and into the pen to play with them! She was calling to them to come over to her. She did get to pet them a little bit, and she laughed!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A few steps caught on tape!

Maddie went to her new sitters today, my friend Rachel's and did really well! Rachel has a little girl 20 mos old, hopefully they will have fun together. It will be good for Maddie to practice sharing! She took 6 steps while she was there!!
This from this afternooon. I was lucky to catch it!

Monday, August 24, 2009

TIme to brush

Madelyn has a total of 8 teeth now! Unbelieveable! I hope she has a little break now. So, it is time to brush her little teethies once a day! Of course she wants to do it herself!

I can't believe it's the end of August!

It has been so humid and hot here the last few weeks. You really have to stay inside or be in a pool! This weekend was nice and quiet. We just hung out together and Saturday we got caught in a big rainstorm while out running errands. I think it was Maddie's first time in the rain. We didn't have an umbrella and she didn't like her head covered! We were over Mac and Betty's a lot also last week and even had a sleep over twice.
MADELYN TOOK HER FIRST STEPS!! She takes 3-5 steps a couple times a day. She will only do it on her own when she doesn't know your watching her! She does well and we are very excited to watch her! No chance of a video because it happens without notice and it's quick!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Look at those new teeth!

Thank you for your prayers! Mac will start chemo Monday morning! Pete will take him and it will last for 8 hours for 3 days in a row every 2 weeks! We hope he will be stronger by then, he is still weak and sleepy from his lung surgery.
Maddie's cousins were over. Camden and Sadie. Sadie is adorable . Poor Madelyn is also teething like CRAZY. This picture was taken Wed and she already as 4 more teeth cutting today! She is very irritable and clingy. She has wanted to nurse a lot and has been waking at night often.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mac needs prayers!

Pete's dad, Mac, had surgery today to remove fluid from his lung. They found cancer in his lung and tumors on his heart. I don't know the details, the Dr. is meeting with the family tomorrow. Please pray for him and all of the family! We don't know when they will start chemo but that will be the first step.

round and round

Maddie started standing at the beach last weekend. It was fun that mom and Anita got to see! She also started to push Gavin's bouncy seat across the floor like a walker. When we got home she pushed her music table across the living room and then crawled to her excauser. She started walking around and around! She doesn't stop, it's so funny! LOL.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Madelyn is a beach girl!

Maddie loved to watch the waves crash in! She pulled her feet up when the water came and liked the feel of the mud between her toes!

Life's a beach!

So, our little trip to Ocean City has come and went. We had such a great time!! It was Gavin's 1st trip to the beach! My mom, Anita, Will and his friend Trey came from OH to go with us. We stayed in a beautiful home near Aunt Lisa in Fenwick Is. We went to 75th street to go to the beach and see family. I wish we had more time to visit there!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Silly Girl!

Yesterday, Shaun put Maddie down on her butt and she stood up on her own! (I missed it!) So, today she was doing this! She is so silly! She loves to try to stand now!

Mommy & Me


Madelyn's is cutting 4 top teeth! One cut through today, tooth f, it is so funny she is moving her lower jaw to the side so she can grind it. She makes a tiny grinding sound! I'll be making her a night guard soon. (just kidding)
She FELL OUT of her crib today! ): I wasn't here when it happened but I'm sure it almost gave Pete a heart attack. She is fine. Didn't cry that much when it happened and I couldn't find any bumps or bruises. Glad we have carpet! Pete lowered the crib to the lowest setting so she should be good for awhile.
Shaun came by last night for dinner! He is exhausted and misses his girls so much! Hope he will be home soon!
On a happy note here is little Maddie dancing a little bit!