Saturday, August 29, 2009


We had planned to go to OC for the day this past Friday. We canceled it because the weather was supposed to be rainy. So we planned to go to the mall for Maddie's 9 mos photos and for lunch but then Maddie caught a little cold so we stayed in. Luckily it was just a stuffy and runny nose and didn't phase her much.
Today she woke up feeling back to normal and took a really good morning nap. It was another HOT Maryland day but we wanted to get out so we went to check out a little flower farm park. We saw a baby goat that reminded us of Nana Bell's goat Paco!! Madelyn LOVED it! She was trying to jump out of Pete's arms and into the pen to play with them! She was calling to them to come over to her. She did get to pet them a little bit, and she laughed!

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