Thursday, April 22, 2010

Easter 2010

Maddie and Sadie showing their finds!

Easter this year was so much fun. It was a beautiful weekend and Maddie had a great time. I was really surprised how well she did with her cousins at the Easter egg Hunt! She picked up the idea so quick and had a ball collecting eggs. She sat down with her finds and started opening the eggs one by one, jelly beans were flying everywhere! She popped one in not knowing what to expect and loved it! She enjoyed going through her basket in the morning and loved the little toys she found in it. Daddy got her a balloon too.


  1. aww this is the first i saw these pictures!! sooo cute!!! hahaa... here little face with those ears on are precious... i can't believe how big she is!!!

  2. What a cute little baby bunny!Love Nana Bell
