Saturday, April 3, 2010

Maddie LOVES....

the Park!! When it's nice we play outside all day! She loves the playground and her FAVORITE thing is the swing. She swings out back, out front, and when we go to other parks. She stays on the swing for a long time, and usually doesn't want to get down. She cries if she see's other kids on it because she thinks she owns every swing out there! When she isn't swinging she is fearless on the play equipment and slides! She can climb her little self up the ladder herself now, I'm amazed!We went to Watkins Park in Upper Marlboro with Aunt Leigh Ann (Happy Birthday!). Maddie loves to see Mason and loves to play with Kat!


  1. The park is always lots of fun:) We will have to take the girls soon.

  2. What a gorgeous day to go to the park. We used to go there sooo much when u guys were little and then with all my day care babies!!Love Mom Bell

  3. She is so big!! look at her its amazing how fast babies grow!!!.. so sweet you should put pictures of her in her bathing suit at the park lol
