Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Funland at Rehoboth Beach!

I still will be posting our Beach vacations but wanted to post a recent outing. We went to the beach last Saturday for the day. It was a perfect beach day, the weather was perfect. Maddie played and "swam" in the sand for hours! She jumped in the waves a few times also. She was so good we decided to let her take short nap in the car while we drove from Fenwick to Rehoboth boardwalk. We went our favorite pizza place and then took Maddie to the kiddie rides! We were cracking up at our little Maddie on the rides. It was so much fun for us to watch her!
Maddie looked a little scared on the swings when they started moving. I was so scared for her! I want to go grab her, but she did good, and I rescued her right after! It went a little faster then I expected!

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