Monday, September 27, 2010

One last trip to OC!

Pete and Maddie met me in OC after my Dental Conference friday night. She was very good in the car for her daddy! They met me at the inlet and she was so suprised to see me! Maddie saw all the lights of the rides on the boardwalk! She was so excited, clapped her hands and bobbed her little head. It wasn't that crowded either which was a big plus also. She wanted to ride the fire truck ride right away! It was really nice to walk up and down the boardwalk, we haven't been in a long time. Maddie loves to play in the driver seat. She pushes all the buttons, turns the wipers on, and tries to put CD's in the player. Ready to get to the beach
It was a perfect day. Warm and breezy!

Cutie pie wearing my visor for about a minute! It was too windy to keep her beach hat on.