Saturday, July 30, 2011

Breezy Point, Chesapeake Beach

Maddie's favorite dinner is probaly pizza. She likes all kinds including Bagel Bites. Her favorite is Cetrones! I work 2 nights a week and Maddie is used to having Pizza at least one of those nights. When she wakes up from her nap and asks for me and hears I'm at work. She says, "Daddy, Pizza for dinner, yay!!!" So, pizza AND the beach, lucky girl!

Mi Ma gave Maddie a surprise summer dress and when she pulled it out Maddie said, " OH my goodness!" with hands to her face, " a princess dress!" She quickly put it on and twirled around!

She is enjoying her summer and loving every minute of discovering new fun things to do. She loves the beach. We have been going to a great little beach in Chesapeake Beach. It's perfect. The waves aren't to rough and it relatively shallow. We have mostly gone with Gavin and he said all day, "I lika da beach!!"

Maddie was asking all week, "Can we go to the beach someday?" "Can we go to the beach after nap?" "Can we go the beach soon?" So, I really wanted to take Pete so we made a last minute, grabed a pizza, and had a picnic dinner on the beach! It was fun. When we got there, Maddie was very excited, she looked around and asked, "Where is Gavin ?"(They have their issues...but they do have fun in the water together!)
After swimming, we went for a walk on the pier where the fisherman were fishing. Maddie asked, " I wanta go fishing!" "Can I go fishing too Daddy" Sure one day soon.

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