Sunday, December 27, 2009

One more surprise..... a kitchen!!

Maddie's kitchen: It's a wooden pink and white cottage kitchen.
We didn't show Maddie her kitchen until the day after Christmas and her reaction was priceless! She was so excited! I love how her face lights up when she sees it! She loves to stir with her spoon in the bowls and play with her mini stainless steele pots and pans! Also, opening and closing the drawers and doors is also very fun for her.

Christmas Morning!

Madelyn's new horsey! It is so cute and very bouncy! I put it together with Anna's help Christmas Eve.
One present upstairs. Maddie is getting the hang of opening gifts!

Maddie was "meeting" her horsey. She was a little shy at first, she pet it and said hello before she was ready to go for a ride!
Madelyn and Buddy both got a bear from Santa! She loves stuffed animals, and carries them around the house and sits them in seats.
A little Phoofa from Yo Gabba! She wanted it out of the package right away!
Maddie loves her stainless steel pots and pans! She plays with them so well.
Getting ready to leave for Me Ma's, one last ride on her pony

Christmas Eve

We had a party for all the Purdum's. Elizabeth, Sadie, Maddie, Zoey, & Carolyn
Pop Pop (Mac), Pete, and Uncle Ray

Cookie decorating with her cousins! Maddie loved to lick the frosting off!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow Baby

Ha Ha! Maddie just woke up and she was just going along with getting suited up (for the 1st time) and had no idea what we were doing!
She couldn't really move very well in her snow suit! She wanted to be held and liked watching Daddy shovel the snow.
Our neighbors Igloo tunnel. I was supposed to go in head first, but I was sure I would have gotten stuck! That would have been fun. Buddy kept peeing and the kids were like, "yellow snow!" so we had to keep walking!
awww our snow baby, 1st time sitting in the snow!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

more snow...

Pete shoveled in the back for Buddy first. Lot's of work to be done tomorrow!

We are SNOWED in!

I can't believe how much snow we have! I didn't really think it was actually going to be so much! We are going to stay in until it stops snowing. Looks like Maddie will be playing in the snow tomorrow because it has not let up. These pictures are from 9 am this morning so there is even more now. Since we are having a snow day today we gave Maddie and early present to play with today! A shopping cart with groceries! She loves it, pushes it around all day!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Maddie's cousin Sadie is 2!

The Purdum cousins! They have so much fun together!
Maddie is always facinated by what her cousins play with!
Sadie was so excited she screamed when she opened each gift! ha ha

Feels like Christmas

We have bought a few presents for Madelyn for Christmas. It is so much fun to shop for her! Looking forward to Christmas so much this year! We are still running out of time to do all of things we want to do! I am not going to scare her by trying to put her on Santa's lap. I pointed him out to her and that was enough for her! Maybe next year... This is her bulldog, she named Bubba. She found it at Judy's and was given it to keep. She carries him around and pats him on his head.

Aunt Leigh Ann and the cutest Santa ever! (not scary at all) A. Mary Ellen bought this for him!

Friday, December 11, 2009

jingle bells jingle bells!

She LOVES her singing penguin from Nana and Grandpa and dances to it all the time! I was singing to her Jingle Bell's the other day and she ran away and brought back the penguin to sing with us! (:
Madelyn is so fun and has been such a good girl! We have been going out to dinner a lot this week , running errands and she has been great! Last night we were at the mall and I changed her diaper and got her pajamas on a Macy's display bed! Ha. She fell asleep in the car and stayed a sleep when I layed her in her crib! Perfect

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas!

We met Leigh Ann and Mason at his portraits! He was so cute with his big smiles! Madelyn had a great time playing with the teddy bear and little bench! We saw puppies afterwards! Maddie was so funny, she laughed hysterically at the cute puppies in the window. It was so hard not to take a puppy home! But we have a big puppy already, Bud.

Madelyn loves to shop! She is allover the store (with supervision) and carries items in her arms!. We went shopping at Target and Madelyn wanted to push the cart herself. Ha Ha. She is so tiny! She thought she was a big girl and was happy to help me push it!
This weekend has been really busy and fun! We went shopping, rearranged some of our furniture, and finished all of our Christmas decorating! Suprizingly Maddie has not messed with the tree, she loves to "look" at it! How lucky.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Moon girls night out!

Saw New Moon opening night with Kami, Rachel and Jess! We waited in line for an hour or 2 to get the perfect seats in the theater! It was a really fun night.
Dinner at Applebees before the movie. Pete was home with Maddie. He can put her to bed now, since she doesn't nurse anymore!
Rachel made "Warewolf Kibble" for snacking...and also brought a Twilight word search!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bye Bye

Willie getting pool tips from Popie
Mom and sillie Maddie!
Maddie gives me a big cheesy grin when I take her picture now! It is funny! She squints her eyes and shows a big teethy smile! "Cheeeese!"
Special quiet time with Grandpa Bill

Nana Bell, Grandpa Bill and Will left today. Maddie loved seeing them all! We are going to miss them!