Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas!

We met Leigh Ann and Mason at his portraits! He was so cute with his big smiles! Madelyn had a great time playing with the teddy bear and little bench! We saw puppies afterwards! Maddie was so funny, she laughed hysterically at the cute puppies in the window. It was so hard not to take a puppy home! But we have a big puppy already, Bud.

Madelyn loves to shop! She is allover the store (with supervision) and carries items in her arms!. We went shopping at Target and Madelyn wanted to push the cart herself. Ha Ha. She is so tiny! She thought she was a big girl and was happy to help me push it!
This weekend has been really busy and fun! We went shopping, rearranged some of our furniture, and finished all of our Christmas decorating! Suprizingly Maddie has not messed with the tree, she loves to "look" at it! How lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness she is soo cute! She is so petite you can barely see her pushing that cart. Love her!! Mom
