Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall Festival

Last weekend we went to a free fall festival! It was beautiful weather and Me Ma and Sadie were able to come with us! Maddie was so happy to see them. Maddie has always LOVED balloons. So it was very excited for her to get her own balloon as we entered. We tied it to her belt loop so it wouldn't blow away.
Sadie was a little nervous in the goat pen at first. Maddie loves to pet goats! She was pulling grass and trying to feed them too.

This would have been Maddie's 2nd time riding a pony, but she didn't want to today! She did get to pet their mane. Hopefully next time, she will give it a another try.

The girls loved jumping in the moon bounce! I really liked this one because Maddie could hold onto the columns for balance. There was a short limit of time in the bounce so we did it 3 times while we were there! Maddie loves to jump.

Lunch was provided too! Hot dogs, drinks, and chips... So nice!

Me Ma wanted a picture of the girls with the clowns! (scary!) No, they were really nice girls, but too close for Maddie

There was also face painting, crafts, playgrounds, and a fire truck. Maddie didn't want her face painted this year, but Sadie loved it.

Nap time came too soon. We had a great time, and will definately go back next year!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! And I am loving the puffy yellow jacket! Too cute
