Thursday, October 28, 2010


Wednesday started Halloween fun! In the morning Maddie had dress up time at Music Makers. I don't think she understood she was dressed up, but she would say, "I'm Pebbles!" after I told her who she was. She loved going barefoot and its very comfortable top so she liked wearing it. A little boy told his mom she was a cute green pumpkin! He said a green pumpkin is a pumpkin that isn't ripe yet! LOL!

Maddie picks the maracas everytime!

I could not get Pebbles and Bam Bam to look at me! They facinated with all the kids in costumes! Gavin loved a "kitty cat" and walk up real close to check him out! Nana Bell made Gavins costume! She did a great job!

We introduced Maddie to trick or treating. She would say trick or treat in a wisper and then wisper thank you. She didn't think much of most of the candy but anytime she got a lolipop she wanted it opened right away! She got her favorite white cheddar popcorn from Sis. Whites trunk and was so excited! She ate the whole bag right there!

Only way I could get these two to stand still! They make an adorble couple.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Truck!" "Ca!" "Ca!"

Last minute we found out the hospital was having a truck show and we had to go and take our cute nephew Gavin! He LOVES trucks and cars and we were so excited for him to see them up close. There were fire trucks, police cars, army jeeps, helicopters, and more. Kids were allowed to climb up into the vehicles and press the horns! We had to stay away from some of the louder horns! Some of the trucks were so big Anita could barely push him up into the drivers seat, so we stuck to some of the smaller ones. It was hard to get him down. Maddie loves to play drive so anything with a steering wheel she was up for trying. Gavin's face is so adorable. Here he is in a HUGE snow mobile and we realized there was a hole in the floor so Anita is holding on to him tight!

Another truck catches Gavin's eye.

We couldn't remember what was happening in this photo, but it looks funny.

Maddie always got shot gun!

1st limo ride

Gavin is not impressed.

A short and sweet visit to the show. They served free lunch and drinks and there was other things to do, so we will try to go again next year!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Madelyn's favorite words

Maddie has been saying more and more everyday. She has the cutest voice. Her latest thing is
"Thank you Mama thank you" "No Dadda No" "Bye Mama Bye" "Good girl Bud Good girl!" for everything. We call her a good girl and we tell Buddy he is a good boy. But she gets mixed up. She also is calling her grandmothers, " Mum!" I try to correct her but it is what she wants to say! She hears me calling my mom, "mom" of course.
She has been singing since she was a baby and now she can sing a few songs. She sings:
Barney I love you " I da do I da do... " and then she kisses and hugs her stuffed animals or us when that part of the song comes.
ABC's She sings the entire melody to " Do Do Do.. L M N O P do do do"
Bumble bee song
Fresh Beat Band "Hip hop and la la la ..."

More Fall Festival Fun

This Festival is at GreenStreet Gardens on 258 closer to where Janet lives. It was a really cool place. We arrived a little late so we rushed to the face painting, and then the crafts. We made bracelets and neclaces. Maddie got a wristband for the hayride and she loved it!

There was an adorable cow train ride. Maddie was so excited to see it and wanted to get on it right away. She always has her very serious face on during the ride tho, lol.

Waiting on the hayride for Carolyn and Elizabeth. Maddie wanted to sit with her cousins. It was a pretty bumpy ride and then through a hunted forest! I grabbed her when a loud noise and puff of air scared us all! It was was really funny.

The hayride took us to a really cool slide in the hill. It was so bumpy, Maddie would only go on my lap so I got to go with her over and over!

This was a corn pit! The girls had a great time. Maddie got used to it and didn't want to leave!

Fall Festival

Last weekend we went to a free fall festival! It was beautiful weather and Me Ma and Sadie were able to come with us! Maddie was so happy to see them. Maddie has always LOVED balloons. So it was very excited for her to get her own balloon as we entered. We tied it to her belt loop so it wouldn't blow away.
Sadie was a little nervous in the goat pen at first. Maddie loves to pet goats! She was pulling grass and trying to feed them too.

This would have been Maddie's 2nd time riding a pony, but she didn't want to today! She did get to pet their mane. Hopefully next time, she will give it a another try.

The girls loved jumping in the moon bounce! I really liked this one because Maddie could hold onto the columns for balance. There was a short limit of time in the bounce so we did it 3 times while we were there! Maddie loves to jump.

Lunch was provided too! Hot dogs, drinks, and chips... So nice!

Me Ma wanted a picture of the girls with the clowns! (scary!) No, they were really nice girls, but too close for Maddie

There was also face painting, crafts, playgrounds, and a fire truck. Maddie didn't want her face painted this year, but Sadie loved it.

Nap time came too soon. We had a great time, and will definately go back next year!