Sunday, October 10, 2010

Madelyn's favorite words

Maddie has been saying more and more everyday. She has the cutest voice. Her latest thing is
"Thank you Mama thank you" "No Dadda No" "Bye Mama Bye" "Good girl Bud Good girl!" for everything. We call her a good girl and we tell Buddy he is a good boy. But she gets mixed up. She also is calling her grandmothers, " Mum!" I try to correct her but it is what she wants to say! She hears me calling my mom, "mom" of course.
She has been singing since she was a baby and now she can sing a few songs. She sings:
Barney I love you " I da do I da do... " and then she kisses and hugs her stuffed animals or us when that part of the song comes.
ABC's She sings the entire melody to " Do Do Do.. L M N O P do do do"
Bumble bee song
Fresh Beat Band "Hip hop and la la la ..."

1 comment:

  1. awwwww!!!! that is the sweetest thing i have ever heard...she is so adorable im so sad i cant see her all the time... soo CUTE!!!
