Thursday, October 28, 2010


Wednesday started Halloween fun! In the morning Maddie had dress up time at Music Makers. I don't think she understood she was dressed up, but she would say, "I'm Pebbles!" after I told her who she was. She loved going barefoot and its very comfortable top so she liked wearing it. A little boy told his mom she was a cute green pumpkin! He said a green pumpkin is a pumpkin that isn't ripe yet! LOL!

Maddie picks the maracas everytime!

I could not get Pebbles and Bam Bam to look at me! They facinated with all the kids in costumes! Gavin loved a "kitty cat" and walk up real close to check him out! Nana Bell made Gavins costume! She did a great job!

We introduced Maddie to trick or treating. She would say trick or treat in a wisper and then wisper thank you. She didn't think much of most of the candy but anytime she got a lolipop she wanted it opened right away! She got her favorite white cheddar popcorn from Sis. Whites trunk and was so excited! She ate the whole bag right there!

Only way I could get these two to stand still! They make an adorble couple.

1 comment:

  1. soo fun!!! look how cute they are!! that looks like such a great time how were they?? did they get it? tori was confused at ours... ours was lame tho lol
