Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All about Maddie

I have to post a few things Maddie has been saying lately! She keeps us smiling (:

Trying to get her to dressed or teeth brushed she said, " In a minute Mommy. That means wait for me." She said this to Daddy earlier in the day too!

"Get off the ROOF" from UP

Pete was driving her home from day care after lunch, "Daddy I'm really sleepy.. I want to take a nap..................JUST PRETENDING, ha ha no nap!"

"THIS IS HOPE-A-LUS!" (hands thrown up in the air) When she is playing, frustrated, or when Buddy isn't listening to her.

"Buddy! 1...2...3..4!" When Buddy gets caught on the couch or our bed she counts him or he gets time out.

"Mommy doesn't have to go to work today! We go to mall, park, get ice cream, SO FUN!" She has said this a couple of times usually before she goes to bed! Its so funny.

"Mommy you hug me too fast!" Maybe she meant too much or too hard!

"Mommy, no do hairs, wear down!"

"Mommy (Daddy) I lah you!"

Betty: "Maddie how is your daddy doing?"
Maddie: " He watches TV and sits on the couch ALL DAY." Betty thought this was hilarious, Pete not so much (;

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