Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We were looking forward to trunk or treat this year. Maddie had told me at dinner, " I be Kitty, Mommy be Kitty and Daddy be LION!" Well, 2 out of 3 this year. Again, camera issues so not too many pics.

Waiting in line for the bowling game! Maddie also played eat the donut with out hands and bobbing for ducks (with her hands)

I love that Mom dressed up as a SCARY Scarecrow! Ha ha, how did you have that hat lying around your house?!

Trick or Treat! It was pretty dark and some of the trunks were really decked out! Good costumes too! Maddie got scared and wanted to go home after a few trunks.

Who is that little Wolverine! MASON! What a cutie, he had little muscles and kept his mask on the whole night! He got LOTS of candy! You'll have to come next year again LA but earlier!

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