Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fast Forward to Halloween Fun!

We went to a fun outdoor party Betty's realtor was having at her home. It chilly but not too cold. Maddie was very happy to be a kitty, she "meowed" and smiled all night long!

She was happy to see her cousins there! Sadie was "Dee Dee" from Doodle Bops!

So cute, their was a scare crown station and a mummy wrap. Pete was one of the mummys being wrapped, lol, and Maddie was a little worried. My camera died so I don't have pics of the mummys!

She had really cute goats, including 2 baby goats! The kids ran over to the fence to feed them leaves and they were a little scared! But we went over and visited them a few more times before we left. Maddie laughed her head off when they would jump off their little houses.

On the hay ride with all the kids! I was the only adult who went with the kids.

Maddie was hungry and she loves donuts so she was being really patient waiting for this game to begin! On the count of 3 all the kids got to go after there donut with no hands!

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