Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bye Bye

Willie getting pool tips from Popie
Mom and sillie Maddie!
Maddie gives me a big cheesy grin when I take her picture now! It is funny! She squints her eyes and shows a big teethy smile! "Cheeeese!"
Special quiet time with Grandpa Bill

Nana Bell, Grandpa Bill and Will left today. Maddie loved seeing them all! We are going to miss them!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Maddie ate mashed potatoes and corn for dinner! That's all she ate and she ate a lot of them!! She loved them! She was so happy she blew mashed potatoe kisses to everyone!

Nana Bell, Grandpa Bill, and Will are visiting us this weekend! Maddie loves seeing them! She gives Willie the BIGGEST smiles and kisses! We went to Nana's house yesterday and had a great dinner. It was nice to see all the family! Nana forgot how to make gravy and was stressed! Luckily, Mom and Nina saved the day by helping finish the gravy! Pheww. Silly Nana. Leigh Ann and I made pie, and they were really good, but the Humming Bird cake was the big hit of the night! Yum! Other family anticts: Mason kicked open Nana Bell's blouse at the dinner table! Nana asked for film for her camera phone! Nina sported a uno braid down her chin! Maddie danced naked in the living room!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A big girl now!

We celebrated Birthday's at MeMa and Pop Pop's house this weekend! All dressed up and and ready to go to the party!

Aww. Her cousins playing "peek-a-boo"!
Maddie LOVES to push this shopping cart at MeMa's!
She tried to grab the flame! Maddie & Babeth share the same b-day! Anna the day before!

Maddie was nursing 4-5 x a day up until Wednesday this week. She was extra stuffy and started to bite instead of nurse. I didn't know what to think! She cried a lot at night, (me too!) but didn't want to nurse..but I think it's getting better. She weaned herself!! I am still a little stunned. It came out of no where! We are doing great now though! Maddie is such a big girl! She is so independent and loves to use a fork, and her words of the day is "HiiiiiI!" and "book!"

Maddie and Mason together on Tuesdays!

Maddie and I are so lucky and grateful to have Aunt Leigh Ann back in MD. Especially because she babysits Maddie on Tuesdays! Here she is not to sure about holding cute Mason on her lap!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Madelyn's 12 month check up

Maddie had fun walking around the treatment room before her exam and shots. She was exploring in her boots! Here she wants Daddy's cell phone!
A little reading time before the Dr. comes in. She loves her books!
Madelyn weighs 17 lbs and 8 oz and is 29 in long! I am so happy at how much she has gained! We have come a long way to get our little girl to eat better! She has gone from 5% to now 50% percentile! Yea for Maddie! She got her H1N1 and part II flu shot today, and she'll get her live virus' at her 15 month appt. Poor thing was so upset! It's so hard to see her in pain. Hopefully she won't get any flu this year!

Madelyn turns 1 year old!

Maddie's Blue's Clues cake! It was very fun to make Maddie her first cake! Many more to come...
We had a great weekend together! Maddie is really growing and changing so much! She is so much fun!
Mr. Penguin sings! She learned so fast how to push his hand to make him sing and dance!
Loves her froggie from the Bell's!
Hard to see, but little ape was running away from his mommy
What does this prairie dog see? He stood so still, and Maddie watched him for awhile
Maddie loves to be a "big girl", walking on her own! Won't hold our hand anymore ):

taking a snuggle break.

She liked the lit candle a lot! She tried to grab the flame but we blew it out in time
She didn't know what to do with her blue's clues cake! She didn't like it so close
We gave her a small piece and she enjoyed smooshing it with her fork and smearing it in her hair! She did not eat any of it!