Sunday, November 15, 2009

A big girl now!

We celebrated Birthday's at MeMa and Pop Pop's house this weekend! All dressed up and and ready to go to the party!

Aww. Her cousins playing "peek-a-boo"!
Maddie LOVES to push this shopping cart at MeMa's!
She tried to grab the flame! Maddie & Babeth share the same b-day! Anna the day before!

Maddie was nursing 4-5 x a day up until Wednesday this week. She was extra stuffy and started to bite instead of nurse. I didn't know what to think! She cried a lot at night, (me too!) but didn't want to nurse..but I think it's getting better. She weaned herself!! I am still a little stunned. It came out of no where! We are doing great now though! Maddie is such a big girl! She is so independent and loves to use a fork, and her words of the day is "HiiiiiI!" and "book!"

1 comment:

  1. Teresa you look so good in that top picture!! All those beautiful cousins what a blessing. Love Mom
