Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Madelyn turns 1 year old!

Maddie's Blue's Clues cake! It was very fun to make Maddie her first cake! Many more to come...
We had a great weekend together! Maddie is really growing and changing so much! She is so much fun!
Mr. Penguin sings! She learned so fast how to push his hand to make him sing and dance!
Loves her froggie from the Bell's!
Hard to see, but little ape was running away from his mommy
What does this prairie dog see? He stood so still, and Maddie watched him for awhile
Maddie loves to be a "big girl", walking on her own! Won't hold our hand anymore ):

taking a snuggle break.

She liked the lit candle a lot! She tried to grab the flame but we blew it out in time
She didn't know what to do with her blue's clues cake! She didn't like it so close
We gave her a small piece and she enjoyed smooshing it with her fork and smearing it in her hair! She did not eat any of it!

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