Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Madelyn's 12 month check up

Maddie had fun walking around the treatment room before her exam and shots. She was exploring in her boots! Here she wants Daddy's cell phone!
A little reading time before the Dr. comes in. She loves her books!
Madelyn weighs 17 lbs and 8 oz and is 29 in long! I am so happy at how much she has gained! We have come a long way to get our little girl to eat better! She has gone from 5% to now 50% percentile! Yea for Maddie! She got her H1N1 and part II flu shot today, and she'll get her live virus' at her 15 month appt. Poor thing was so upset! It's so hard to see her in pain. Hopefully she won't get any flu this year!

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