Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Maddie ate mashed potatoes and corn for dinner! That's all she ate and she ate a lot of them!! She loved them! She was so happy she blew mashed potatoe kisses to everyone!

Nana Bell, Grandpa Bill, and Will are visiting us this weekend! Maddie loves seeing them! She gives Willie the BIGGEST smiles and kisses! We went to Nana's house yesterday and had a great dinner. It was nice to see all the family! Nana forgot how to make gravy and was stressed! Luckily, Mom and Nina saved the day by helping finish the gravy! Pheww. Silly Nana. Leigh Ann and I made pie, and they were really good, but the Humming Bird cake was the big hit of the night! Yum! Other family anticts: Mason kicked open Nana Bell's blouse at the dinner table! Nana asked for film for her camera phone! Nina sported a uno braid down her chin! Maddie danced naked in the living room!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun relaxing day! The food was excellent and the company awesome. Maddie and Mason were hits.
