Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Feet!

Last Thursday Maddie spoke her first sentence!! Pete was getting ready to leave for work and Maddie said, "BYE BYE DADDY!" Clear as day, we were shocked! It was so adorable to hear her little baby voice say such a clear sentence!
After 5 days of rain the sun has finally come out! It's about time! Our plans for the pumpkin pack were cancelled yesterday but we still had the Purdum family over for dinner. Maddie was in a great mood and was so excited to see her Mi Ma and Pop Pop at her house. maddie playing, before family arrived
Always on the go!
Going up the stairs again! She can go up fast, but can not come down yet.
Maddie with her cousins! She did not want to stay still for a photo! ): She probaly wanted to sit on her own step like her cousins! Sorry Maddie. LOL
happy girl

Maddie was watching her cousins run after each other and really wanted to join in the fun! She tried to run but it looks like a little jig! Like Happy Feet! It was so funny, she woke up in the morning dancing again! She couldn't quite get moving forward but she is a great dancer! Go Maddie!


  1. So adorable. It reminds me of the old Flinstone cartoon where they would move their feet and not go anywhere! She will be off and running soon enough!! Love nana bellXO

  2. AWW! Thats so cute!! I love it when they dance!

  3. LOVE the dancing! How exciting about her sentence!!! She is getting to be such a big girl!! I love her tights!
