Monday, October 5, 2009

October 3 weekend, 2009

This weekend my mom and dad came to visit! It was great because we just visited OH last weekend so Maddie remembered her Nana Bell and Grandpa really well! She smiles at her Grandpa and gave her Nana LOTS of love and cuddles! Maddie loves her Nana's songs and fun games. Friday night Lynne and Tim came over for a delicious lasagna and key lime pie. Of course we laughed a lot, everyone is so funny. Especially my mom when she gets tired!
Saturday morning mom woke up early and was making quiche and baking sticky buns! Yum! She works too hard, but it was so good, thanks mom! We took breakfast over to Nana's and visited with Popie, Nina, Emily, Tony, Lisa, Jeremy, Leigh Ann and baby Mason! So great to see everybody. Emily was visiting from NYC and loved holding Mason.
Mom made more food, and then off to Aunt Mary Ellen's 50th Birthday Party! It was a very fun party. So glad my Dad and Mom could make it! And the Reeves. Yeah, I'm so glad they are on TEAM MD with me again!! Maddie was all over the place walking around and around! She loved the balloons and the doggies and her cousins. They showed a slide show that made everybody cry! It was so good. We will here Dad's message on the dvd that is being copied for everyone to have!

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