Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Walk at the Park

Madelyn had a high fever that woke her out of sleep early Sunday morning. 102.8! Thank goodness for Tylenol it took it down to normal within 15 minutes. She had this fever for one day and then woke up the next morning with large lesions on a swollen lip! Poor baby, I did not go to work because I did not know what was going on! Mom thought they were fever blisters and the Dr. thought she bit her lip hard to cause trama lesions. She is fine, and what ever they were they are almost gone. We took her to the park to get some fresh air and collect leaves! She loves to pick up leaves and does not let them go out of her little tight fists!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great how much kids love to be outside! Do you remember when i would put the twins in one of those swings together back to back!!Ha Love Nana bell
