Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leigh Ann and Mason came to play!

Aww! Loves for Aunt Lan!

Maddie liked to "get" Leigh Ann!

"Peek A Boo!"

"Where's Maddie"?


Aunt Leigh Ann put her new hat on Madelyn! She was being silly,
she liked the fuss I made over her!

Today Leigh Ann and Mason came over for the day. It was so fun to see them! Mason is adorable and such a good baby. Madelyn just loved him and her Aunt Leigh Ann! She worked really hard to try to say "Ba-By"! We hung out at home for the morning, had breakfast, and then went to Kohls. Maddie stayed in her stroller for a while and then I chased her around the store the rest of the time. She doesn't like to hold my hand! It's starting already..I'm in trouble...!

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