Sunday, October 11, 2009

Melissa West Photos

Here are some of the photos of Maddie from her shoot. Isn't she so photogenic! She poses so natural too! We just stood back at let her be herself! I was unable to download all of them! I am very excited because I am going to have Melissa take our family photo for Christmas. We haven't had a nice family photo taken since last Christmas!
Madelyn is 11 month's old! We can not believe how fast she is growing! She is so much fun at this stage though! She has a very fun sense of humor and is as sweet as ever. She has been picking up a phone, remote, or any toy and puts it to her ear , and says, "HI Da!" It's so cute, she walks around talking to her daddy on the phone. She waves bye bye a lot, especially when she see's her neighborhood friends! I can't believe I am planning a 1st birthday party for my baby next month!

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